Working with young video game creators

June marks the start of summer vacation but it is also when students have to submit their final projects. For Youth Fusion’s Video Game Design program presented in partnership with Ubisoft Education,…

The (new) Life at Ubisoft

Corporate, Life in Saguenay
The world of work is changing and so is Ubisoft Saguenay. As part of a Canada-wide initiative, the studio has announced several new measures, offering all employees a better balance…

Inspiring Ubisoft mentors with Academos!

Have you heard of Academos? This non-profit organization connects young people aged 14 to 30 with the reality of the working world through a virtual mentoring application. What makes it unique…


Laura-Jessica Boudreault
Communication Advisor
Ubisoft Saguenay
418 579-8788